腐书堂 > 综合其它 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > How Cruel Are The Parents

How Cruel Are The Parents

    how cruel are the parents
    altered from an old english song.
    tune—“john anderson, my jo.”
    how cruel are the parents
    who riches only prize,
    and to the wealthy booby
    poor woman sacrifice!
    meanwhile, the hapless daughter
    has but a choice of strife;
    to shun a tyrant father's hate—
    become a wretched wife.
    the ravening hawk pursuing,
    the trembling dove thus flies,
    to shun impelling ruin,
    awhile her pinions tries;
    till, of escape despairing,
    no shelter or retreat,
    she trusts the ruthless falconer,
    and drops beneath his feet.

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